Antoine Vauchez
Antoine Vauchez, 1972-
Biographical Details
- First name: Antoine
- Last name: Vauchez
- Birth date: 1972
- Creations: Computer file, Language material, Text
- Roles: Author, Contributor, Editor, Redactor
- Other details: Editor
- Permalink: (Stable identifier)
Other names of Antoine Vauchez
- Vauchez, Antoine
- Vauchez, Antoine (Auteur.)
People related with Antoine Vauchez
- Boucobza, Isabelle
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Affiliation (see also from)
- Cohen, Antonin
- Hennette-Vauchez, Stéphanie
- Institut de droit public Poitiers
- Institut universitaire européen Organisme de soutenance
- Piana, Daniela
- Sacriste, Guillaume
- Sigmann, Geneviève
- Vandersanden, Georges
- Willemez, Laurent (1970-….)
- Willemez, Laurent (1970-…)
- Witte, Bruno de
- Witte, Bruno de (19..-…. juriste)
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