Bernhard A. Koch
Bernhard A. Koch, 1966-
Biographical Details
- First name: Bernhard A.
- Last name: Koch
- Birth date: 1966
- Creations: Computer file, Language material, Text
- Roles: Author, Contributor, Editor, Redactor
- Other details: Editor, Author of introduction
- Permalink: (Stable identifier)
Other names of Bernhard A. Koch
- Koch, B. A.
- Koch, Bernhard
- Koch, Bernhard A.
- Koch, Bernhard Alexander
People related with Bernhard A. Koch
- Abraham, Kenneth S.
- Askeland, Bjarte
- Bagińska, Ewa
- Bloch, Laurent
- Busnelli, Francesco Donato
- European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law
- Gilʻad, Yiśraʼel
- Green, Michael D.
- Koziol, Helmut (1940-)
- Wiebe, Andreas
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